Sunday, October 5, 2008

Aunt Briett

This is Arizona Docker and Thatcher outside great grandpa Leo's house. We were just taking a stroll the night before the fair began at the end of August.

Arizona showing off her sweet babysitting skills. Thatcher is a sleep once again.

Arizona hitch'en a ride with grandpa on the, yes, lawnmower. I'm pretty sure we beat them home.

Arizona showing us her winning smile at the elephant ear booth at the fair. She is quite the hard worker. And her t-shirt says it all when you are working for a week surrounded by sweetbread smothered in Cinnamon and sugar, you must top it off with a few chocolate milks, right? Right!

Hello I am Arizona's Aunt Briett. Whom I'm sure she will rave about from time to time on her awesome blog. She left her blog open on the computer at grammies house so I had to take advantage of the opportunity to say something about my wonderful niece.

She has always been a great pal and now she is a fabulous baby sitter to her cousin Thatcher, my son. She is very talented and has become quite handy in the kitchen. I love her cookies and brownies and a few Sundays ago she made Delicious roles and a chicken bake which really was pork but the kids aren't suppose to know that oops, now they do. Sorry Jeff. Arizona now you know what your dad whispered to me at the dinner table:)

Soccer season is now in full swing and I don't know what happened over the summer because we didn't have soccer camp we had basketball camp but Arizona has turned from timid to tenacious. She is so aggressive this year. It must be the title of 6th grader or something, great job Arizona we sure love you!

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